Calendar / Fixtures

Monday, 14 September 2009

Season 2 - Week 6 - Grand Final

Week 4

Grand Final
  • Midlife Gamers [0] v CGUK [0]

  • The matches should be played on Sunday 20th September @9pm.
  • Please use the directory to choose a game and contact the other team directly.
  • All fixtures are 3v3 unless both teams agree to larger match day teams.
  • Please contact the other team as early as possible to arrange your fixture.
  • Please record your results as comments to this post as soon as possible.
  • Matches not completed within 6 days will be be given the default score (0-0 or 1-0); see FAQ for further details.
  • For the full set of guidelines please refer to the FAQ

Tuesday, 8 September 2009

Season 2 - Week 5

Week 4

Group A
  • Clan FGUK [4] v TGS Scenesters [0]
Group B
  • Clan Blueblood [4] v Ninja Fat Pigeons [0]
  • CGUK Toz's Terrors [2] v OAP [2]

  • The matches should be played on Sunday 13th September @9pm.
  • Please use the directory to choose a game and contact the other team directly.
  • All fixtures are 3v3 unless both teams agree to larger match day teams.
  • Please contact the other team as early as possible to arrange your fixture.
  • Please record your results as comments to this post as soon as possible.
  • Matches not completed within 6 days will be be given the default score (0-0 or 1-0); see FAQ for further details.
  • For the full set of guidelines please refer to the FAQ

Wednesday, 2 September 2009

Season 2 - All Star Match Results+Points

Game: Call of Duty 4


1st CGUK The Mehwarrior2 260 = +1 Point + 4F
2nd MVG Frequency 230 = +1 Point + 3F
3rd NFP Leg of Time 190 = +1 Point + 2F
4th BB EsNotTheMessiah 155 = +1 Point + 1F
5th OAP xx Babbles xx 95 = +1 Point + 1F
6th MLG MantisMat 90 = 0 Point +1F
=7th FGUK No Entry
=7th GDUK No Entry
=7th TGS No Entry

Monday, 31 August 2009

Season 2 - Week 4

Week 4

Notice: ALL STAR Match Details - Wed 2nd Sept

Group A
  • MidlifeGamers [4] v MatureVideoGamer [0]
Group B
  • OAP [4] v Ninja Fat Pigeons [0]
  • Clan Blueblood [1] v GamerDork! [0] (defaulted)

  • The matches should be played on Sunday 6th September @9pm.
  • Please use the directory to choose a game and contact the other team directly.
  • All fixtures are 3v3 unless both teams agree to larger match day teams.
  • Please contact the other team as early as possible to arrange your fixture.
  • Please record your results as comments to this post as soon as possible.
  • Matches not completed within 6 days will be be given the default score (0-0 or 1-0); see FAQ for further details.
  • For the full set of guidelines please refer to the FAQ

Monday, 24 August 2009

Season 2 - Week 3

Week 3

Advanced notice: ALL STAR Match Details - Wed 2nd Sept

Group A
  • MatureVideoGamer [4] v TGS Scenesters [0]
Group B
  • GamerDork! [2] v OAP [2]
  • Ninja Fat Pigeons [1] v CGUK Toz's Terrors [3]
Frugal Gaming
Midlife Gamers
(Resting teams may want to play an open friendly on Sunday)


  • The matches should be played on Sunday 30th August @9pm.
  • Please use the directory to choose a game and contact the other team directly.
  • All fixtures are 3v3 unless both teams agree to larger match day teams.
  • Please contact the other team as early as possible to arrange your fixture.
  • Please record your results as comments to this post as soon as possible.
  • Matches not completed within 6 days will be be given the default score (0-0 or 1-0); see FAQ for further details.
  • For the full set of guidelines please refer to the FAQ

Sunday, 16 August 2009

Season 2 - Week 2

Week 2

Group A
  • Clan FGUK [0] v MidlifeGamers [4]
Group B
  • CGUK Toz's Terrors [3] v GamerDork! [1]
  • OAP [2] v Clan Blueblood [1]
TGS Scenesters
(Resting teams may want to play an open friendly on Sunday)


  • The matches should be played on Sunday 23rd August @9pm.
  • Please use the directory to choose a game and contact the other team directly.
  • All fixtures are 3v3 unless both teams agree to larger match day teams.
  • Please contact the other team as early as possible to arrange your fixture.
  • Please record your results as comments to this post as soon as possible.
  • Matches not completed within 6 days will be be given the default score (0-0 or 1-0); see FAQ for further details.
  • For the full set of guidelines please refer to the FAQ

Friday, 14 August 2009

ALL STAR Match Week

Important announcement regarding the ALL STAR Match on Wednesday 2nd September 2009.

What are the ALL STAR Matches?

You may have noticed that the fixture list contains a special match in Week 3 called an ALL STAR Match. These consist of "all-for-one" games, chosen by the UGL, that provide the league with multi-team events. In the ALL STAR Match, one player from each community team will represent their teams in an "all-for-one" 9 player games. The match will take place on the Xbox 360 as that platform has the largest number of possible players across all teams.

Match: All Star Match

Title: 20 Minute Call of Duty 4 Marathon
Custom Set-up: Free-for-All
Map: Crash (or other if all players agree)
Date & Time: Wednesday 2nd September @2100

Host: EsNotTheMessiah (BB)
The Mehwarrior (CGUK)
Frequencey (MVG)
Leg of Time (NFP)
xx Babbles xx (OAP)

RigidDigits (BB)
RogueSolo72 (NFP)
jasgos73 (OAP)

What if we can't provide a player for one of the matches?

If you are unable to provide a player then you can "loan" a player from another team - there are always plenty of players ready to help out. Many sites have a very large community of regular X360 players, but I'm sure other teams would be happy to lend a hand.

How do we enroll our player in the ALL STAR Match?

Representatives must be decided prior to the match and recorded by United Games League. Please post a comment in this thread with your team's name, preferred player's Gamertag/PSN_ID, and an optional reserve. The reserves may be called on to be "loan" players for teams who can't field a player.

If anyone would like to act as host and set-up the game, please leave a comment on this post.

How will points be determined?

Bonus league points will be awarded to the top players in the match, irrespective of group, and will be added to their relevant team's league points. An additional bonus score will be added to the team's "F" column (no. of round wins).

Call of Duty 4
1st = 1 "League point" + 4 "F"
2nd = 1 "League point" + 3 "F"
3rd = 1 "League point" + 2 "F"
4th = 1 "League point" + 1 "F"
5th = 1 "League point" + 1 "F"

nth = 0 "League point" + 1 "F"

How do we record the results?

Please could one player from the match add a comment on this post with the results.

- For COD4 we will need the list of top 5 players after the match.

How can I offer to be a "loan player"?

Just leave a comment on this post and someone will take you up if they need a player.

Monday, 10 August 2009

Season 2 - Week 1

Week 1

Group A
  • MidlifeGamers [3] v TGS Scenesters [1]
  • MatureVideoGamer [2] v Clan FGUK [2]

Group B
  • Clan Blueblood [0] v CGUK Toz's Terrors [4]
  • GamerDork! [2] v Ninja Fat Pigeons [2]
  • OAPs [1] v Rest Week


  • The matches should be played on Sunday 16th August @9pm.
  • Please use the directory to choose a game and contact the other team directly.
  • All fixtures are 3v3 unless both teams agree to larger match day teams.
  • Please contact the other team as early as possible to arrange your fixture.
  • Please record your results as comments to this post as soon as possible.
  • Matches not completed within 6 days will be be given the default score (0-0 or 1-0); see FAQ for further details.
  • For the full set of guidelines please refer to the FAQ

Season 2: Fixture List

Group A

Week 1 - 9pm Sunday 16th August
  • MidlifeGamers v TGS Scenesters [UGN]
  • MatureVideoGamer v Clan FGUK [UGN]
Week 2 - 9pm Sunday 23rd August
  • Clan FGUK [UGN] v MidlifeGamers
Week 3 - 9pm Sunday 30th August
  • MatureVideoGamer v TGS Scenesters [UGN]
  • ALL STAR Match (Wed 2nd Sept)
Week 4 - 9pm Sunday 6th September
  • MidlifeGamers v MatureVideoGamer
Week 5 - 9pm Sunday 13th September
  • Clan FGUK [UGN] v TGS Scenesters [UGN]

Group B

Week 1 - 9pm Sunday 16th August
  • Clan Blueblood v CGUK Toz's Terrors
  • GamerDork! [UGN] v Ninja Fat Pigeons [UGN]
Week 2 - 9pm Sunday 23rd August
  • CGUK Toz's Terrors v GamerDork! [UGN]
  • OAP v Clan Blueblood
Week 3 - 9pm Sunday 30th August
  • GamerDork! [UGN] v OAP
  • Ninja Fat Pigeons [UGN] v CGUK Toz's Terrors
  • ALL STAR Match (Wed 2nd Sept)
Week 4 - 9pm Sunday 6th September
  • OAP v Ninja Fat Pigeons [UGN]
  • Clan Blueblood v GamerDork! [UGN]
Week 5 - 9pm Sunday 13th September
  • Ninja Fat Pigeons [UGN] v Clan Blueblood
  • CGUK Toz's Terrors v OAP


Week 7 - Final - 9pm Sunday 20th September
  • Final: Group A Winner v Group B Winner
  • Wooden Spoon: Group A Loser v Group B Loser


[UGN] - members of the Unified Gamers Network; a special UGN macro competition is taking place to see who is top of the UGN pops.

Saturday, 1 August 2009

Season 2 Start: Sunday 16th August @ 9pm

Sunday 16th August @ 9pm

Please ensure you can completed your team's entry in the directory before
Sunday 9th August to ensure that your first match can be arranged.

For further information please refer to the FAQ.

Wednesday, 29 July 2009

Season 2: Getting Started

  1. Before entering the league you should make sure you can commit players for up to 8 weeks of fixtures, played on Sunday evenings.
  2. Each team should nominate three players who will be responsible for organising the league fixtures for their team. Please gather gamer-tags & contact methods for each player.
  3. Each team will also list up to 10 multiplayer games that they can field a team of 3 players in. Record your games in the directory of organisers and games.
  4. The directory of organisers and games will then be available to all teams to assist with match arrangements.
  5. Please ENTER your team's details, including your three organiser/players and games list in the directory before Sunday 9th August.

Tuesday, 7 July 2009

Announcement: Season 2

To register your community in the league, please leave a comment on this post and email or send a tweet to UtdGamersLeague on Twitter.

For information about the league, and changes for Season 2, please refer to the FAQs

Follow for updates and to arrange matches.

Sunday, 12 April 2009

Until Next Time

A big thank you to everyone who took part and I hope that everyone had fun.

Congratulations to the group winners, and well done the Cranky Gamers for winning the grand final.

Season 2 will probably take place in June. If you would like to register your interest, send an email with the subject "UGL" to -Xan-.

Wednesday, 11 March 2009

Season 1 - Week 6 "Finals Week"

Week 6 - "Finals Week"

Group A Winners: CGUK Terrors
Group B Winners: Old and Pants

Please post a reply as soon as you have completed your match.

Final: CGUK Terrors [3] v OAPs [1]

Bronze Match: Muppets with Guns [0] v Self Preservation Society [4]

Wooden Spoon Match: Clan Blueblood [3] v Mature Video Gamers [0]

  • The matches should be played in the week commencing Monday 16th March.
  • Matches should be completed within the next two weeks.
  • You can use the comments on this post to arrange your fixture, or contact the other team directly.
  • Please record your results as comments to this post.
  • The moderators will update the post's results and amend the group tables.
  • Playoffs/Finals only: In the event of the match being drawn 2-2, then an extra deciding round will be played.

Monday, 9 March 2009

Season 1 - Week 5

Week 5

Final Group Matches

Group A
Sanctuary 4 Gamers [3] v Ninja Fat Pigeons [1] @ Bomberman Live
Muppets with Guns [0] v CGUK Terrors [0] (no match)
*Bluebloods [1] v Muppets with Guns [3]* @ COD4
*CGUK Terrors [3] v Sanctuary 4 Gamer [2]* @ KZ2 (CGUK T F=3 S4G F=1)

Group B
CGUK Flyboys [0] v TGSN [0] (no match)
Self Pres. Society [4] v Mature Video Gamers [0] 
*Mature Video Gamers [1] v Old and Pants [3]*
*Mature Video Gamers [0] v TGSN [0]* (no match)

*Postponed Matches
All matches must be played by 17.03.2009 or they will be recorded as a 0-0 Draw.
Full Fixture List


  • The matches should be played in the week commencing Monday 9th March.
  • All matches must be played by Tuesday 17th March or they will be recorded as a 0-0 Draw.
  • You can use the comments on this post to arrange your fixture, or contact the other team directly.
  • Please record your results as comments to this post.
  • The moderators will update the post's results and amend the group tables.

Sunday, 1 March 2009

Season 1 - Week 4

Fixtures & Results (Week 4)

All Star Matches
All Star matches feature one player from each team in an 10 player match. To enroll see Further details...
1. Xbox 360 All Star Match
  • 20 Minute Halo 3 Marathon (See Further details... Map decided on the night)
  • Sunday 8th March @2030
1st - Leg of Time - 455pts
2nd - MeatyFiend - 357pts
3rd - Shadow Troopa - 321pts
4th - LongJohnMcNasty - 317pts
4th - Johnus Maximus - 317pts
6th - MAD DOG OF WARS - 264pts
7th - Last Likely Lad - 256pts

2. Playstation 3 All Star Match - CANCELLED
  • Motorstorm Marathon 3 Races (Map & Laps decided on the night)
  • Sunday 8th March @2130
  • Host: Presariofu (NFP)
Group Matches

Group A
Bluebloods [1] v Muppets with Guns [4] @ COD4
CGUK Tozs Terrors [0] v Sanctuary 4 Gamer [0] @

Group B
Mature Video Gamers [1] v Old and Pants [3] @ Rainbow Six Vegas 2
TGSN [1] v Self Pres. Society [3] @ HALO 3
*Mature Video Gamers [0] v TGSN [0] @ Game

*postponed from week 3

  • The matches should be played in the week commencing Monday 2nd March.
  • You can use the comments on this post to arrange your fixture, or contact the other team directly (seeAboutUs).
  • Please record your results as comments to this post.
  • The moderators will update the post's results and amend the group tables.

Saturday, 21 February 2009

Season 1 - Week 3

Fixtures & Results (Week 3)

Group A
Sanctuary 4 Gamers [0] v Muppets with Guns [4] @ Gears of War 2
Ninja Fat Pigeons [2] v Bluebloods [2] @ Gears of War 2

Group B
Mature Video Gamers [0] v TGSN [0] @ Game
Old and Pants [4] v CGUK Flys Flyboys [0] @ Race Pro

  • The matches should be played in the week commencing Monday 23rd February.
  • You can use the comments on this post to arrange your fixture, or contact the other team directly (see AboutUs).
  • Please record your results as comments to this post.
  • The moderators will update the post's results and amend the group tables.

Friday, 20 February 2009

News: ALL STAR Matches

Important announcement regarding the ALL STAR Matches on Sunday 8th March 2009.

What are the ALL STAR Matches?

You may have noticed that the fixture list contains two special matches in Week 4 called ALL STAR Matches. These consist of "all-for-one" games, chosen by the UGL, that provide the league with multi-team events. In the ALL STAR Match, one player from each community team will represent their teams in an "all-for-one" 10 player games.

After some discussion on the CGUK forum and here, the consensus is to have the following two matches.

Match 1: Xbox 360 All Star Match

Title: 20 Minute Halo 3 Marathon
Custom Set-up: King of the Hill game type with points awarded for kills and time in the hill. 20 minute duration, no kill cap.
Map: Guardian (or other if all players agree)
Date & Time: Sunday 8th March @2030

Host: Johnus Maximus (CGUK)
2. Leg of Time (NFP)
3. MAD DOG OF WARS (MVG) (mayhemisle77 is reserve)
4. shadow trooper (OAP)
6. meatyfiend

Match 2: Playstation 3 All Star Match - CANCELLED

Title: Motorstorm Rally
Custom Set-up: Three Races
Map: Tracks to be selected on the night.
Date & Time: Sunday 8th March @2130

What if we can't provide a player for one of the matches?

If you are unable to provide a player then you can "loan" a player from another team - there are always plenty of players ready to help out. CGUK have a very large community of regular X360 & PSN players, but I'm sure other teams would be happy to lend a hand.

How do we enroll our player in the ALL STAR Match?

Representatives must be decided prior to the match and recorded by United Games League. Please post a comment in this thread with your team's name, preferred player's Gamertag/PSN_ID, and an optional reserve. The reserves may be called on to be "loan" players for teams who can't field a player.

If anyone would like to act as host and set-up the game, please leave a comment on this post.

How will points be determined?

Bonus league points will be awarded to the top players in each match, irrespective of group, and will be added to their relevant team's league points. An additional bonus score will be added to the team's "F" column (no. of round wins).

Halo 3
1st = 1 "League point" + 4 "F"
2nd = 1 "League point" + 3 "F"
3rd = 1 "League point" + 2 "F"
4th = 1 "League point" + 1 "F"
5th = 1 "League point" + 0 "F"

Finishing 3rd or higher in at least one race = 1 "League point"
Finishing 2nd or higher in at least one race = + 2 "F"
Finishing 1st in at least one race = +4 "F"

Examples: If ProfPlum finished 1st, 6th, & 3rd they would score 1 point + 4F. If RevGreen finished 2nd, 2nd, & 3rd they would score 1 point + 2F.

How do we record the results?

Please could one player from each match add a comment on this post with the results.
- For Halo 3 we will need the top 5 players after the match.
- For Motorstorm we will need the top 3 finishers in each race.

How can I offer to be a "loan player"?

Just leave a comment on this post and someone will take you up if they need a player.

Sunday, 15 February 2009

Season 1 - Week 2

Fixtures & Results (Week 2)

Group A
Bluebloods [0] v CGUK Toz's Terrors [4] @ Gears 2
Muppets with Guns [0] v Ninja Fat Pigeons [4] @ Left 4 Dead

Group B
CGUK Flys Flyboys [0] v Self Pres. Society [0] @ COD:WaW
TGSN [0] v Old and Pants [4] @ R6 Vegas 2

  • The matches should be played in the week commencing Monday 16th February.
  • You can use the comments on this post to arrange your fixture, or contact the other team directly (see AboutUs).
  • Please record your results as comments to this post.
  • The moderators will update the post's results and amend the group tables.

Thursday, 5 February 2009

Season 1 - Week 1

Fixtures & Results

Group A
Match 1:
Sanctuary 4 Gamers [3] v Bluebloods [1] @ COD:WaW

Match 2:
CGUK Toz's Terrors [2] v Ninja Fat Pigeons [2] @ Halo 3

Group B
Match 3:
Mature Video Gamer [1] v CGUK Fly's Flyboys [3] @ COD:WaW

Match 4
OAPs [2] vs Self Preservation Soc [2] @ Forza 2

UGL Friendly

TGSN [0] vs Muppets with Guns [4]

TGSN and MWG do not have a group match in the first week, however they may like to play a friendly match.

  • The matches should be played in the week commencing Monday 9th February.
  • You can use the comments on this post to arrange your fixture, or contact the other team directly (see AboutUs).
  • Please record your results as comments to this post.
  • The moderators will update the post's results and amend the group tables.

News: Welcome Muppets with Guns

Please welcome Muppets with Guns. TheMightyb00sh describes the MWG as
The MWG are a friendly clan who mainly play inter-community competitions and at times matches with other friendly clans we know. The clan is pretty established and has 20-30 MWG members who all play for fun. We are mostly a mature gaming clan nobody under 16 is in the clan. All MWG members are dedicated to the community but also in it for the fun. 
Contacts: TheMightyb00sh (dangermouse13), and Dongziller

News: Welcome TGSN

Please welcome The Terrible Gamers (TGSN). TGSN describe themselves as
The Terrible Gamers (TGSN) were formed on the 20th of July 2004 on the official Xbox forums. The reason for our creation was simple, we were not enjoying playing on Xbox Live for one reason or another, the other players were abusive, rude, overly serious or were just not fun to game with.

So we started TGSN, based on the principles of having great games, fun times and laid back tournaments amongst ourselves and with other like minded clans. Our members come from all different backgrounds and we have a wide range of ages, we just really enjoy Xbox live games and hope we can keep the good ethics of TGSN and build for the future.
Contacts: Evilvodkaman

Tuesday, 3 February 2009

Welcome Old and Pants

Please welcome Old and Pants who, like the NFP, BBs, and SPS are former members of the Prefer This Player League. The OAPs were winners in season 3.

The Old and Pants clan is another of the ancient race of xbox live gamers. Having been around for many decades they have the wisdom to know that their ageing reflexes are never going to be able to compete against the supple fingers of the young. They do however manage to win quite often in clan matches and even managed to push all the way up to victory in Season 3 , all with a smile on their faces.
Key contact: Xx Mr Daddy xX (who's the daddy)

Moderator(s) Note: Due to the larger number of entrants, I will be splitting the league into two groups (A & B) with playoff finals. I will update the fixture list. The first week's fixtures will remain the same. [Xan]

Monday, 2 February 2009

Welcome The Self Preservation Society

Please welcome the Self Preservation Society. The SPS describe themselves as

Fun lovin' xbox360 gaming clan always on the look out to meet like minded gamers out there that are more into having a laff online over than winning  . (whats winning anyway !!!???!!) We are lad n lasses spread over a wide age range and from all far flung corners of the UK !
Key contacts: the mighty coco or cybadaz

Saturday, 31 January 2009

News: Welcome MatureVideoGamer

Please welcome MVG to the league. Skyshadow5 describes MVG as
[having] the same ethos as the Blueblood's (which is why I joined them in the first place); play for fun without the hassle of dealing with screaming little kids & enjoy the games, win or lose.
Contact and Moderators for MVG
GT: skyshadow5
GT: mayhemisle77

Thursday, 29 January 2009

News: Welcome the Bluebloods

Please extend a welcome to the Bluebloods who will be joining us in the competition. The Bluebloods are old friends of the Ninja Fat Pigeons and live by the motto "Die Laughing".

You can find out more and extend your hands of friendship here:

Lizziekins and Red Special will join as moderators.

Tuesday, 27 January 2009

News: Season 1

We'll leave it a week to allow anyone who is interested to join the league.

So far we have very strong interest from the NFP, CGUK and S4G but others may join.  As long as they are like-minded and play for fun any community/forum team can enter.

In the previous league there was an "All Star" match every 4 weeks featuring players from all teams.

The first matches could take place as soon as two weeks (w/c 9th February), so get ready for the fun.

For more info please refer to the FAQs or contact your local representative: See list

League Moderators

The list below contains the league moderators and local representatives.
  • Lizzkiekins (BB)
  • Red Special (BB)
  • Last Likely Lad (S4G)
  • MagicMuffinMan (S4G)
  • Nory316 (CGUK)
  • TheMehWarrior2 (CGUK)
  • Backfired (CGUK)
  • Xantiriad (NFP)
  • D1amondHooHaMan (NFP)
  • Presariofu (NFP)
  • X skyshadow5 X (MVG)
  • Mayhemisle77 (MVG)
  • Mighty coco (SPS)
  • Cybadaz (SPS)
  • Gee2909 (SPS)
  • Xx Mr Daddy xX [who's the daddy] (OAP)
  • Evilvodkaman (TGSN)
  • TheMightyb00sh (aka dangermouse13) (MWG)
  • Dongziller (MWG)
Use the comments on this post to discuss the league

Fixture List - Season 1

Week 1 - Group Matches (w/c 09.02.2009)

Group A
Sanctuary 4 Gamers v Bluebloods
CGUK Tozs Terrors v Ninja Fat Pigeons

Group B
Mature Video Gamer v CGUK Flys Flyboys
OAPs vs Self Preservation Soc

Week 2 - Group Matches (w/c 16.02.2009)

Group A
Bluebloods v CGUK Tozs Terrors
Muppets with Guns v Ninja Fat Pigeons

Group B
CGUK Flys Flyboys v Self Pres. Society
TGSN v Old and Pants

Week 3 - Group Matches (w/c 23.02.2009)

Group A
Sanctuary 4 Gamers v Muppets with Guns
Ninja Fat Pigeons v Bluebloods

Group B
Mature Video Gamers v TGSN
Old and Pants v CGUK Flys Flyboys

Week 4 - All Star Matches & Group Matches (w/c 02.03.2009)

All Star Matches
All Star matches feature one player from each team in an 10 player match. Further details...
1. Xbox 360 All Star Match
  • 20 Minute Halo 3 Marathon (Map & Mode TBC)
  • Sunday 8th March @2030
  • Host: Johnus Maximus (CGUK)

2. Playstation 3 All Star Match
  • Motorstorm Marathon (Map, Laps & Mode TBC)
  • Sunday 8th March @2130
  • Host: Presariofu (NFP)
Group A
Bluebloods v Muppets with Guns
CGUK Tozs Terrors v Sanctuary 4 Gamer

Group B
Mature Video Gamers v Old and Pants
TGSN v Self Pres. Society

Week 5 - Final Group Matches (w/c 09.03.2009)

Group A
Sanctuary 4 Gamers v Ninja Fat Pigeons
Muppets with Guns v CGUK Tozs Terrors

Group B
CGUK Flys Flyboys v TGSN
Self Pres. Society v Mature Video Gamers

Week 6 - Finals Week (w/c 16.03.2009)

Final: Winner Group A v Winner Group B
Bronze Match: 2nd Group A v 2nd Group B
Wooden Spoon Match: 5th Group A v 5th Group B

About The Participants

The United Gamers League is a friendly video game tournament between a coalition of video game community websites featuring like-minded players who play to have fun. 

Cranky Gamers UK
  • Key contacts: Backfired, Nory316, TheMehWarrior2
  • Description: A community built around the uber popular, trans atlantic, fake radio show, CrankyGamersUK. With more game parties than you can shake a stick at, there is something for everyone whatever's your poison. Why not pop on by to say hello, hang your hat and stay a while...

Sanctuary 4 Gamers -
  • Key contacts: Last Likely Lad, MagicMuffinMan
  • Description: Sanctuary 4 Gamers is a gaming community with the Motto For Gamers, For Community, For laughs. S4G has two podcasts, UK/Japan and US, S4G has something to offer for all, we have forums, social section, video section and My Blog, so head over to and join in the laughter.

The Bluebloods -
  • Key contacts: Lizzkiekins, Red Special
  • Description: "Die Laughing" 30+? Play for fun, but like the occasional online match? Fed up of being beaten and abused by trash talking kids barely out of nappies? Find your spiritual home in Clan Blueblood a clan for the mature .. ahem .. gamer.

Ninja Fat Pigeons
  • Key contacts: Xantiriad, Presariofu, D1amondHoohaMan ("Will") [forum]
  • Description: If you are looking for a fun group of Xbox Live or Playstation Network friends then come get some feathers of the Ninja kind. We are a group of slightly unhinged people from the UK who only play for fun and enjoyment. Check out our daft monthly podcast too.
Mature Video Gamer -
  • Key contacts: Skyshadow5, Mayhemisle77
  • Description: Established in June 2007 we are a community attended by like minded mature individuals who enjoy gaming at an older age.
The Self Preservation Society -
  • Key contacts: The Mighty Coco, Cybadaz or Gee2909
  • Description: We are a fun lovin' xbox360 gaming clan always on the look out to meet like minded gamers out there that are more into having a laff online over than winning. (Whats winning anyway !!!???!!)
We are lad n lasses spread over a wide age range and from all far flung corners of the UK!
  • Key Contacts: Xx Mr Daddy xX
  • Description: The Old and Pants clan is another of the ancient race of xbox live gamers. Having been around for many decades they have the wisdom to know that their ageing reflexes are never going to be able to compete against the supple fingers of the young. They do however manage to win quite often in clan matches and even managed to push all the way up to victory in the Prefer This Player League (UGL predecessor) Season 3 , all with a smile on their faces.
  • Key Contacts: Evilvodkaman (XBL)
  • Description: The Terrible Gamers (TGSN) were formed on the 20th of July 2004 on the official Xbox forums. Our members come from all different backgrounds and we have a wide range of ages, we just really enjoy games and hope we can keep the good ethics of TGSN and build for the future.

Muppets with Guns -
  • Key Contacts: TheMightyb00sh (aka dangermouse13) and Dongziller 
  • Description: The MWG are a friendly clan who mainly play inter-community competitions and at times matches with other friendly clans we know. The clan is pretty established and has 20-30 MWG members who all play for fun. We are mostly a mature gaming clan nobody under 16 is in the clan. All MWG members are dedicated to the community but also in it for the fun. 

Want to join in the fun? Unfortunately, we have no space left this season but there will be a new league in late spring. Please leave a comment to register your interest. 

Season 2 FAQs

The United Gamers League: Season 2
  1. How do we register our Team?
  2. How do we arrange matches?
  3. How many players are there in each team?
  4. Can we have more than three players?
  5. What is the format of each match: How many Rounds? What game types?
  6. What is the format of the FINAL?
  7. When are matches played? What time?
  8. Can we play on a Monday, Tuesday, etc?
  9. How long do the matches last?
  10. What games do we play? What maps?
  11. How do I record our team's result?
  12. How are the scores determined?
  13. What are the All Star games?
  14. What if we can't play in our fixture in time?
  15. What if we can't decide on a game?
  16. We were unhappy with the other team's actions?
  17. Is there anything else I should know?
[Season 2 changes in blue]

1. How do we register our Team?
  1. Before entering the league you should make sure you can commit players for up to 8 weeks of fixtures, played on Sunday evenings.
  2. Before the season starts each team will nominate three players who will be responsible for organising the fixture for their team. Please provide gamer-tags and email addresses for each player.
  3. Each team will also list up to 10 multiplayer games that they can field a team in.
  4. A directory of organisers and games will then be distributed to all teams to assist with match arrangements.
  5. Update your team's details, including your three organiser/players and games list on the directory

2. How do we arrange matches?

  1. The week's Fixtures will be published in a weekly blog post.
  2. The week's blog post will be used by the moderators to record the results and publish the league table.
  3. Refer to the directory when contacting the team and choosing a game
  4. We recommend that a "match day team captain" is appointed for each team to assemble the team and handle game invites etc.
3. How many players are there in each team?
  1. Each match consists of two teams of three players, unless otherwise agreed between the two teams.
  2. Each team should strive to have at least one substitute player; just in case they are needed.
  3. Teams are permitted to lend each other players if they are short on the day.
4. Can we have more than three players?
  1. Yes, as long as both teams agree to have more each, or allow one team to "rotate" players (see 4.3).
  2. Both teams must have equal numbers of players.
  3. If one team has more players than the other then they may consider "rotating" their squad of players after each of the four rounds; to give everyone a game. Please check that the other team are happy to allow you to do this.
5. What is the format of each match: How many Rounds? What game types?
  1. Matches are to be arranged as a best of four rounds
    For example: 4 rounds of deathmatch, or 4 races
  2. Four rounds allow for the possibility of draw (i.e. 2-2).
  3. The length and type of rounds should be agreed by both teams.
  4. Possible scores are: 2-2, 3-1 and 4-0 only.
  5. Please do not play additional rounds as part of the competition.
  6. You can of course have a laugh in extra games if you wish, but these should not be scored.
6. What is the format of the FINAL?
  1. Playoffs/Finals only: In the event of the match being drawn 2-2, then an extra deciding round will be played.
7. When are matches played? What time?
  1. All fixtures are to be played on Sundays at 9pm, unless an alternative date is mutually agreed by the two teams.
  2. Teams should record their result in the comments field of that Fixture's blog post on
8. Can we play on a Monday, Tuesday, etc?
  1. Yes, but the league will work best if all fixtures are played on Sundays at 9pm.
  2. You can play your fixture on another day, if both teams agree.
  3. The rescheduled fixture must take place within 6 days or it will be marked a no-score draw.
9. How long do the matches last?
  • As each match is four rounds, games typically last 45-60 minutes. Many teams tend to have a "muck about" game after the four rounds are completed.
10. What games do we play? What maps?
  • Any Xbox 360, Playstation 3, Wii, DS, PSP or PC game provided both teams can field a team. Refer to the directory when contacting the team and choosing a game.
  • Platform (PSN/XBL), game choice, DLC choice and all other game rules are to be arranged between the two participating teams prior to the match. Refer to the directory when contacting the team and choosing a game
  • Map selection may be made during the game provided both teams are happy.
  • Refer to the directory for a list of games available for this season.

11. How do I record our team's result?
  1. Teams should record their result in the Comments section of the week's Fixture blog post.
  2. Please try to record the result as soon as possible after the match.

12. How are the scores determined?
  1. 3 Points for a Win
  2. 1 Point for a Draw
  3. Group position will be decided by amount of points ( Highest to Lowest )
  4. If two or more teams have the same amount of points then Round Difference will determine position
  5. If Round Difference cannot determine position then the result of the two teams' fixture determine position
  6. If by any strange chance the two top teams can't be separated at the end of the season the a special match will be played to determine the group winner.
  7. The winners and runners-up in each group will playoff in the finals.
  8. All other teams may playoff for the remaining finishing positions if they wish.

13. What are the All Star games?
  1. Special All Star games will be played throughout the season chosen by United Games League
  2. 1 player from each community team will represent their teams in these matches
  3. If you are unable to provide a player, you can "loan" a player from another league - there are always plenty of players ready to help out.
  4. Representatives must be decided prior to the match and recorded by United Games League
  5. Representatives then will be displayed on this website to arrange matches.
  6. Scoring will be for the top players in each match and will be added to their relevant teams league points. Bonus "For" points will be awarded for runners-up
  • Example for Halo 3:
1st = 1 League Point + 4 For Points
2nd = 1 League Point + 3 For Points
3rd = 1 League Point + 2 For Points
4th = 1 League Point + 1 For Points
5th = 1 League Point + 1 For Points
Nth = 0 League Point + 1 For Points

14. What if we can't play in our fixture in time?
  1. If one team cannot play a fixture they must inform the other team as soon as possible
  2. If the fixture cannot be played then the two teams can agree an automatic 0-0 draw.
  3. If one team doesn't show up, or is not contactable, then they will forfeit the fixture and other team will be awarded a 1-0 win.
  4. If the fixture is not completed within six days of the original Sunday fixture date it be recorded as a 0-0 draw.
15. What if we can't decide on a game?
  • If the two teams cannot agree on a game to be played then they may ask for an independent moderator to make the decision for them. The moderator will randomly pick the game from list of playable titles, or that the two teams have already played. (
  • If any problems cannot be decided between the two teams then the league moderators will make the final decision
16. We were not happy with the actions of the other team?
  • We are all adults and most things can be sorted out between yourselves so please try first.
  • Any abuse of opposing teams, by any means, will not be tolerated and will result in automatic removal from the league and will be reported to the community site

17. Is there anything else I should know?
  • The aim of the league is to bring communities together and make new friends online so in no way should this league be taken serious to point that it is not fun anymore, which moves us onto the main rule:
  • All games MUST be played in the spirit of getting drunk (if you are old enough!), having fun and laughing so hard a little bit of wee comes out.

Thanks to
Mr Stuey for the original concept and rules.