Calendar / Fixtures

Friday 20 February 2009

News: ALL STAR Matches

Important announcement regarding the ALL STAR Matches on Sunday 8th March 2009.

What are the ALL STAR Matches?

You may have noticed that the fixture list contains two special matches in Week 4 called ALL STAR Matches. These consist of "all-for-one" games, chosen by the UGL, that provide the league with multi-team events. In the ALL STAR Match, one player from each community team will represent their teams in an "all-for-one" 10 player games.

After some discussion on the CGUK forum and here, the consensus is to have the following two matches.

Match 1: Xbox 360 All Star Match

Title: 20 Minute Halo 3 Marathon
Custom Set-up: King of the Hill game type with points awarded for kills and time in the hill. 20 minute duration, no kill cap.
Map: Guardian (or other if all players agree)
Date & Time: Sunday 8th March @2030

Host: Johnus Maximus (CGUK)
2. Leg of Time (NFP)
3. MAD DOG OF WARS (MVG) (mayhemisle77 is reserve)
4. shadow trooper (OAP)
6. meatyfiend

Match 2: Playstation 3 All Star Match - CANCELLED

Title: Motorstorm Rally
Custom Set-up: Three Races
Map: Tracks to be selected on the night.
Date & Time: Sunday 8th March @2130

What if we can't provide a player for one of the matches?

If you are unable to provide a player then you can "loan" a player from another team - there are always plenty of players ready to help out. CGUK have a very large community of regular X360 & PSN players, but I'm sure other teams would be happy to lend a hand.

How do we enroll our player in the ALL STAR Match?

Representatives must be decided prior to the match and recorded by United Games League. Please post a comment in this thread with your team's name, preferred player's Gamertag/PSN_ID, and an optional reserve. The reserves may be called on to be "loan" players for teams who can't field a player.

If anyone would like to act as host and set-up the game, please leave a comment on this post.

How will points be determined?

Bonus league points will be awarded to the top players in each match, irrespective of group, and will be added to their relevant team's league points. An additional bonus score will be added to the team's "F" column (no. of round wins).

Halo 3
1st = 1 "League point" + 4 "F"
2nd = 1 "League point" + 3 "F"
3rd = 1 "League point" + 2 "F"
4th = 1 "League point" + 1 "F"
5th = 1 "League point" + 0 "F"

Finishing 3rd or higher in at least one race = 1 "League point"
Finishing 2nd or higher in at least one race = + 2 "F"
Finishing 1st in at least one race = +4 "F"

Examples: If ProfPlum finished 1st, 6th, & 3rd they would score 1 point + 4F. If RevGreen finished 2nd, 2nd, & 3rd they would score 1 point + 2F.

How do we record the results?

Please could one player from each match add a comment on this post with the results.
- For Halo 3 we will need the top 5 players after the match.
- For Motorstorm we will need the top 3 finishers in each race.

How can I offer to be a "loan player"?

Just leave a comment on this post and someone will take you up if they need a player.


  1. Right, NFP are sorted for the Motorstorm PR match. 1. Presariofu RES. Xantiriad

    I am also happy to host as I have a nice fat 20mb down/1.3mb up pipe so, we should be lag free. If each representative playing on the night wants to send me a FR for invites to be sent @ 9.30 on night.

  2. The self preservation soc. will need to loan a player for the PS3 match.

  3. Thanks Gee2909, I'm sure someone can help out - if not I will.

  4. We should be OK for Halo, but might struggle to fill a spot for PS3/Motorstorm. We're mainly a 360 clan - but I'll put the word out and see what happens

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Lizziekins. No problem. We will try to get "loan" drivers for teams that can't field one.

  7. Is there any chance that the PS3 Allstar Match could be the original Motorstorm as some of MVG have that, but not Pacific Rift?

  8. Yes. I will check with the host but I think that should be fine.

  9. Great stuff, thanks for that Xantiriad and Presariofu (I presume you're hosting)?

  10. If it is the original Motorstorm for PS3 Zapiy will play for MVG

  11. OK, I have booted up the orginal Motorstorm (have never played that one online :O and private matches for friends only can be set up. Prior to the races starting, I will set up a lobby game called UGL and will send out FR's to all PSN tags listed to be playing. So, if you get a FR from Presariofu, its me and not spam LOL.

  12. our halo3 mug...erm, allstar will be meatyfiend. he assures me he will be quite tipsy and in high spirits so feel free to shoot the hell outta him and spoil his night.

  13. the oap reps for the allstar matches are as follows motorstorm - sirtoddalott (no reserve)
    and for halo 3 - shadow trooper with Xx Mr DADDY xX as reserve

  14. sorry change of plan the oap rep for motorstorm doesn't have the first mororstorm only the second?? don't think we have anyone else with a ps3?

  15. Due to a lack of players, the PS3 ALL STAR match has been cancelled. Thanks for trying to accommodate a PS3 round. Maybe next time.

  16. sorry its shadow troopa for the oaps!

  17. Hey guys, thanks for the awesome game, here's a rundown of who played and the teams they were representing:

    1. Johnus Maximus (CGUK-A)
    2. Leg of Time (NFP)
    4. shadow trooper (OAP)
    5. Longjohnmcnasty (CGUK-B)
    6. meatyfiend (SPS)
    7. Last Likely Lad (S4G)

    Here's a link to the game on

    1st - Leg of Time - 455pts
    2nd - MeatyFiend - 357pts
    3rd - Shadow Troopa - 321pts
    4th - LongJohnMcNasty - 317pts
    4th - Johnus Maximus - 317pts
    6th - MAD DOG OF WARS - 264pts
    7th - Last Likely Lad - 256pts

    As you can see, Leg of Time gave us a thorough ass kicking, but it was still a lot of fun nonetheless :D

    Ignore the stats for II Ainley II, he joined midgame cos I forgot to make it invite only, oops!
